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B2B Healthcare Marketing: Beginner’s Guide For 2024

Effective B2B healthcare marketing plan follows the latest medical marketing trends and increases the visibility of B2B healthcare professionals within the industry. Also, building a strong brand presence helps create awareness about their B2B services or products. What is B2B Healthcare Marketing? B2B healthcare marketing refers to the strategies and activities businesses in the healthcare […]

b2b healthcare marketing
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Brandon Shaks

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Effective B2B healthcare marketing plan follows the latest medical marketing trends and increases the visibility of B2B healthcare professionals within the industry. Also, building a strong brand presence helps create awareness about their B2B services or products.

What is B2B Healthcare Marketing?

B2B healthcare marketing refers to the strategies and activities businesses in the healthcare sector employ to promote their medical products or services to other healthcare companies within the industry.

Top healthcare marketing companies help B2B firms tailor B2B medical advertising tactics based on the needs and goals of healthcare providers.

Also See: 30 Best-Rated Healthcare Digital Marketing Agencies [2024 Review]

B2B Healthcare Marketing Buyer Persona Example

Creating detailed buyer personas is crucial for effective business-to-business healthcare marketing. Buyer personas represent semi-fictional characters that embody the key characteristics, needs, and behaviors of your ideal clients within the healthcare industry. 

Here are some examples of B2B healthcare marketing buyer persona: 

B2B Healthcare Marketing Buyer Persona Example 1: Dr. Sarah Thompson, Chief Medical Officer 


  • Position: Chief Medical Officer 
  • Organization: Large urban hospital 
  • Experience: Over 15 years of experience in clinical practice and hospital administration 


  • Age: 40-50 
  • Gender: Female 
  • Education: Medical degree with additional management qualifications 

Goals and Objectives: 

  • Enhance Patient Care: Dr. Thompson is dedicated to improving patient outcomes and is always looking for innovative technologies to provide quality care. 
  • Operational Efficiency: As a CMO, she is focused on optimizing hospital operations to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure compliance with healthcare regulations. 


  • Budget Constraints: Balancing the budget while maintaining high-quality patient care is a constant challenge for Dr. Thompson. 
  • Technology Integration: Integrating new technologies into the existing healthcare infrastructure can be complex and time-consuming. 
  • Staff Training: Ensuring the hospital staff is adequately trained to adopt new practices and technologies is a persistent concern. 

How to Reach and Engage: 

  • Professional Networks: Dr. Thompson is active on professional networks like LinkedIn, where she engages with industry peers, shares insights, and stays informed about industry developments. 
  • Industry Conferences: Attending and speaking at healthcare conferences is a key way to reach Dr. Thompson, as these events provide opportunities for networking and learning. 
  • Educational Content: Dr. Thompson values in-depth educational content, such as whitepapers, webinars, and case studies, that provide insights into innovative healthcare solutions. 

Key Decision-Making Factors: 

  • Clinical Efficacy: The effectiveness of a product or service in improving patient outcomes is a primary consideration. 
  • Ease of Integration: Solutions that seamlessly integrate with existing hospital systems and workflows are preferred. 
  • ROI and Cost-Effectiveness: Dr. Thompson considers the long-term return on investment and the overall cost-effectiveness of any new solution. 

Messaging and Positioning: 

  • Emphasize how your product or service contributes to enhanced patient care, improved operational efficiency, and adherence to regulatory standards. 
  • Highlight success stories and case studies demonstrating positive outcomes in similar healthcare settings. 
  • Position your offering as a solution that aligns with the hospital’s commitment to innovation and staying at the forefront of healthcare advancements. 

Also See: Healthcare Digital Marketing: Best Practices To Follow

B2B Healthcare Marketing Buyer Persona Example 2: Mark Rodriguez, IT Director 


  • Position: IT Director 
  • Organization: Regional healthcare system 
  • Experience: Over ten years in healthcare IT, responsible for overseeing the digital infrastructure and technology adoption within the organization. 


  • Age: 35-45 
  • Gender: Male 
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in IT or related field, possibly with additional certifications 

Goals and Objectives: 

  • Enhance Technological Infrastructure: Mark is focused on implementing and managing cutting-edge healthcare technologies to improve patient care, streamline operations, and meet regulatory requirements. 
  • Cost-Efficiency: Mark aims to optimize IT spending, ensuring technology investments provide value and align with the organization’s financial goals. 


  • Interoperability: Integrating diverse healthcare systems and ensuring interoperability among different applications and devices is a significant challenge for Mark. 
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting the healthcare system from cyber threats and ensuring data security is a constant concern. 
  • User Training: Ensuring healthcare staff are well-trained and comfortable using new technologies is an ongoing challenge for Mark. 

How to Reach and Engage: 

  • Industry Forums and Webinars: Mark actively participates in healthcare IT forums, webinars, and industry events where he can learn about new technologies and best practices. 
  • Online Communities: Engaging with online communities and platforms related to healthcare IT and technology adoption. 
  • Tech Publications: Mark stays informed through technology publications and research reports on healthcare IT trends and innovations. 

Key Decision-Making Factors: 

  • Security Measures: The robustness of security features is a primary consideration, including data encryption, access controls, and protection against cyber threats. 
  • Scalability: Mark is interested in solutions that can scale with the growing needs of the healthcare system and adapt to future technological advancements. 

Messaging and Positioning: 

  • Highlight the interoperability and seamless integration capabilities of your healthcare IT solutions. 
  • Emphasize the security features and compliance measures to assure Mark of protecting patient data. 
  • Position your product as a scalable and future-proof solution that aligns with the organization’s long-term IT strategy. 

Creating and regularly updating buyer personas like the one above helps tailor your B2B healthcare marketing strategies to the specific needs and priorities of your target audience, ultimately increasing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Challenges in B2B Healthcare Marketing

B2B healthcare marketing plan comes with its challenges due to the unique nature of the healthcare industry. Here are some common challenges faced by B2B healthcare marketers: 

  • Complex Decision-Making Processes: Healthcare purchases often involve multiple stakeholders with diverse roles and responsibilities. The decision-making process is complex and may include input from clinicians, administrators, IT professionals, and finance teams. 
  • Long Sales Cycles: B2B healthcare transactions typically have longer sales cycles than other industries. The need for thorough evaluation, regulatory compliance, and budget considerations can extend the time it takes to close deals. 
  • Resistance to Change: Healthcare professionals may avoid adopting new technologies or methodologies. Overcoming this resistance requires effective communication, education, and demonstrating the tangible benefits of the proposed changes. 

Also See: 15 Top-Rated Digital Marketing Agencies For Doctors

7 Best B2B Healthcare Marketing Strategies

Effective B2B healthcare marketing requires a strategic plan considering the industry’s challenges. Here are eight strategies to enhance your B2B healthcare marketing efforts: 

1- In-Depth B2B Healthcare Content Marketing

B2B healthcare content marketing involves creating valuable and informative content that addresses the unique challenges, trends, and interests of healthcare professionals. Here are specific examples of in-depth content marketing in the business-to-business healthcare sector: 

Whitepapers on Healthcare Technology Adoption

Create in-depth whitepapers that explore the challenges and benefits of adopting specific technologies in healthcare settings. For example, a whitepaper on the successful integration of telehealth solutions into hospital workflows, including insights on improved patient outcomes and operational efficiency. 

Case Studies on Clinical Implementations

Develop detailed case studies that showcase how healthcare providers successfully implement your products or services. Highlight specific clinical scenarios detailing the challenges faced and the solutions implemented. This could include case studies on implementing a new medical imaging system or a healthcare analytics platform. 

Comprehensive Guides on Regulatory Compliance

Create comprehensive guides that help healthcare professionals navigate complex regulatory frameworks. For example, a guide on ensuring HIPAA compliance in the era of remote patient monitoring, providing practical tips and best practices. 

Host interactive webinars featuring industry experts discussing emerging trends in healthcare. For instance, a webinar on the impact of artificial intelligence in diagnostic imaging, including discussions on challenges, opportunities, and real-world applications. 

E-books on Patient-Centric Care

Develop e-books that delve into the concept of patient-centric care. Provide insights into strategies for improving the patient experience, enhancing communication between healthcare providers and patients, and leveraging technology to personalize healthcare services. 

Infographics on Healthcare Data Security

Create visually appealing infographics that convey important information on healthcare data security. This could include statistics on data breaches in the healthcare sector, tips for securing patient information, and the role of encryption in ensuring data integrity. 

Expert Interviews on Healthcare Innovation

Conduct and publish interviews with thought leaders and experts in healthcare innovation. For example, an interview with a chief medical officer discussing the role of wearable devices in preventive healthcare and chronic disease management. 

Podcasts on Healthcare Leadership and Management

Launch a podcast series featuring conversations with healthcare leaders and executives. Cover topics such as effective hospital management strategies, leadership in times of crisis, and the future of healthcare delivery. 

Interactive Assessments on Healthcare IT Readiness

Develop interactive assessments or quizzes that help healthcare organizations evaluate their readiness for adopting new IT solutions. This could include questions on existing infrastructure, staff training, and potential barriers to implementation. 

Conduct surveys within the healthcare industry and publish detailed reports on the findings. For instance, a survey on adopting digital health tools among primary care physicians offers insights into current trends and areas for improvement.

2- Personalization and Targeting

Personalization and targeting are critical elements in B2B healthcare marketing, allowing you to tailor your messages to the specific needs and preferences of individual healthcare professionals. Here are specific examples of personalization and targeting strategies in the healthcare sector: 

Personalized Web Content 

Implement website personalization based on user behavior. For instance, if a visitor frequently engages with content related to medical devices, the website can dynamically display more information about the latest medical device offerings or case studies. 

Tailored Social Media Messaging

Customize your social media messages to align with the preferences of different healthcare professionals. Develop content that resonates with physicians, administrators, or IT specialists. For example, posts targeting administrators could emphasize the financial benefits of your solutions. 

Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Implement an account-based marketing strategy to personalize your approach to specific high-value accounts. Customize your medical content and messaging to address the unique challenges and priorities of each targeted healthcare organization. This could involve creating personalized landing pages, targeted ads, and one-to-one outreach. 

Dynamic Content in Webinars

Host webinars with dynamic content that allows participants to choose specific topics of interest. For instance, during a healthcare technology webinar, offer different tracks for clinicians, IT professionals, and administrators, allowing each group to dive deeper into content relevant to their roles. 

Targeted B2B LinkedIn Advertising For Medical Professionals

Leverage LinkedIn advertising to target specific job titles or roles within healthcare organizations. Craft ad copy and visuals that speak directly to the pain points and objectives of the targeted audience, whether physicians, administrators, or IT professionals. 

Customized Product Demonstrations

Tailor your product demonstrations to the needs and interests of the potential client. Focus on features that align with the specific requirements of their healthcare organization. For example, highlight interoperability for IT professionals or clinical outcomes for physicians.

3- B2B Medical Social Media Marketing 

B2B medical social media marketing is an effective way to engage with healthcare professionals, showcase expertise, and build relationships. Here are specific examples of B2B healthcare marketing on social media: 

LinkedIn Thought Leadership Posts

Share thought leadership posts on LinkedIn to position your brand as an industry authority. For instance, a medical technology company might share posts discussing the latest advancements in healthcare technology, their implications, and how they address industry challenges. 

Host or participate in Twitter chats focused on relevant healthcare trends. Engage with professionals, answer questions, and share insights. For example, a healthcare IT company might participate in a chat about interoperability standards in electronic health records. 

Instagram Stories for Behind-the-Scenes Content

Use Instagram Stories to provide behind-the-scenes glimpses of your company culture, events, or product development. This humanizes your brand. For example, a pharmaceutical company might share Stories highlighting the work of its research and development team. 

YouTube Webinars and Tutorials

Create and share webinars, tutorials, or product demonstrations on YouTube. This can be particularly effective for showcasing the functionality of medical devices or explaining complex healthcare solutions. For example, a medical equipment manufacturer might create a series of video tutorials on proper device usage. 

LinkedIn Groups for Industry Discussions

Participate in and create LinkedIn groups dedicated to specific healthcare topics. This fosters community engagement and provides a platform for professionals to discuss industry challenges. For instance, a healthcare consulting firm might create a group focused on value-based care strategies.

Twitter Polls for Market Research

Use Twitter polls to gather insights and opinions from your audience. For example, a medical research institution might poll healthcare professionals about their preferences for clinical trial participation. 

LinkedIn Case Studies and Success Stories

Share detailed case studies and success stories on LinkedIn, highlighting how your solutions have positively impacted healthcare organizations. For example, a healthcare analytics company might showcase a case study on how their platform improved patient outcomes in a specific hospital. 

Facebook Live Events for Product Launches

Utilize Facebook Live to launch new products or features. Engage with your audience, answer questions, and provide a closer look at the innovation. For example, a medical imaging company might use Facebook Live to unveil a new imaging technology. 

Pinterest Infographics on Wellness Tips

Create visually appealing infographics on Pinterest that provide healthcare tips or information. For example, a pharmaceutical company might share infographics on Pinterest highlighting the benefits of a specific medication. 

LinkedIn Sponsored Content for Targeted Reach

Use LinkedIn Sponsored Content to target specific job titles or industries with your marketing messages. This is particularly effective for reaching decision-makers within healthcare organizations.

Also See: Healthcare Branding: Complete Guide

4- B2B Healthcare Partnerships and Collaborations

B2B healthcare partnerships and collaborations are strategic alliances between businesses within the healthcare industry to achieve shared goals and mutual benefits. Here are specific examples of B2B healthcare marketing through partnerships and collaborations: 

Technology Integration Partnerships

Collaborate with technology providers to integrate your healthcare solutions seamlessly. For instance, a healthcare software company might partner with a medical device manufacturer to ensure product interoperability. 

Joint Webinars and Workshops

Host joint webinars or workshops with complementary businesses to provide comprehensive insights. For example, a medical imaging company might collaborate with a data analytics firm to host a webinar on the intersection of imaging technology and data-driven insights in healthcare. 

Co-Branded Educational Content

Create and promote co-branded educational content, such as whitepapers, e-books, or blog posts. This could involve partnering with a healthcare consultancy to produce content on industry best practices or emerging trends. 

Strategic Distribution Agreements

Form distribution agreements with other companies to expand the reach of your products. For example, a medical equipment manufacturer might partner with a healthcare distributor to enhance market penetration. 

Professional Association Memberships

Become members of relevant professional associations in the healthcare industry. Associations provide opportunities for networking and collaboration with other businesses. For instance, a healthcare IT company might join a medical informatics association to connect with potential collaborators. 

Shared Resource Centers

Establish shared resource centers or platforms with other businesses to provide valuable resources to the healthcare community. This could include a shared medical research database, educational materials, or collaborative tools for healthcare professionals. 

Collaborative Training Programs

Develop joint training programs for healthcare professionals. For example, a medical device manufacturer might collaborate with a training institute to offer certification programs for healthcare practitioners to use their devices. 

Healthcare Ecosystem Partnerships

Join broader healthcare ecosystems that unite various stakeholders, including providers, payers, and technology companies. For instance, participating in a digital health ecosystem that connects healthcare providers with innovative tech solutions. 

5- Email Marketing Campaigns For the B2B Medical Industry

B2B email marketing is a powerful tool in the medical industry for reaching healthcare professionals, promoting products or services, and nurturing leads.

Here are some effective tips for B2B healthcare marketing: 

  • Segment Your Email List: Segment your email database based on job roles, interests, or other relevant criteria to personalize content for different audiences. 
  • Personalize Content: Use dynamic content to personalize emails with recipient names, job titles, or other relevant information. Personalization enhances engagement. 
  • Optimize for Mobile: Ensure that your electronic emails are mobile-friendly, as many healthcare professionals access their emails on mobile devices. 
  • Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): Communicate the next steps you want recipients to take. Whether registering for a webinar, downloading a whitepaper, or requesting a demo, make the CTA prominent. 
  • Compliance with Regulations: Ensure that your email campaigns comply with HIPAA and provide options for recipients to manage their email preferences. 
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with various engaging subject lines, email copy, and visuals through A/B testing to identify the most effective elements for your audience. 

6- B2B Healthcare Search Engine Optimization

B2B healthcare search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing the online visibility of your healthcare business and attracting relevant leads. Here are specific strategies and examples for effective B2B healthcare SEO: 

Keyword Research

  • Example: If you offer healthcare software solutions, relevant keywords might include “healthcare IT solutions,” “medical software,” or “clinical data management.” 
  • How to Do It: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to identify relevant keywords. Focus on terms that align with your offerings and have a reasonable search volume. 

Optimized Website Content

  • Example: Create in-depth content pages on your website that discuss the features, benefits, and use cases of your healthcare solutions. 
  • How to Do It: Incorporate target keywords naturally within your content. Provide comprehensive information, answer common questions, and address pain points your audience may have. 

Also See: Healthcare SEO Guide: 10 Best Medical SEO Strategies

Mobile Optimization

  • Example: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly to accommodate healthcare professionals who may access information on smartphones or tablets. 
  • How to Do It: Use responsive design, optimize images for mobile, and ensure that your website functions seamlessly on various devices. 

Local SEO for Healthcare Providers

  • Example: If you have a physical presence, optimize for local searches, such as “healthcare solutions in [city].” 
  • How to Do It: Create a Google My Business profile, ensure accurate business information (address, phone number), and encourage customer reviews. Localize your content where relevant. 

Technical SEO for Healthcare Websites

  • Example: Optimize site speed, fix broken links, and use proper header tags to enhance the technical aspects of your website. 
  • How to Do It: Conduct regular site audits using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights. Fix technical issues promptly and follow SEO best practices for on-page elements. 
  • Example: Build backlinks from reputable healthcare websites, industry associations, or publications. 
  • How to Do It: Outreach to relevant websites for guest posting opportunities, share your expertise through interviews or podcasts, and ensure your content is link-worthy. 

Content Marketing for Healthcare SEO

  • Example: Develop a blog with articles on healthcare trends, technology updates, or case studies related to your products or services. 
  • How to Do It: Regularly publish informative and engaging content. Share insights, research findings, or success stories to position your brand as an authority in the healthcare space.

Also See: Healthcare Content Marketing: 10 Top Tactics To Follow 

Schema Markup for Healthcare

  • Example: Implement schema markup to provide search engines with structured information about your healthcare services, products, or organization. 
  • How to Do It: Use markup to tag relevant elements on your website, such as reviews, events, and product details. 

Video Content Optimization

  • Example: Create video content explaining your healthcare solutions, featuring product demonstrations, or sharing expert interviews. 
  • How to Do It: Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords. Host videos on platforms like YouTube and embed them on your website. 

Regular SEO Audits and Monitoring: 

  • Example: Regularly assess your website’s performance through SEO audits, monitoring keyword rankings, and analyzing user behavior. 
  • How to Do It: Use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and SEO monitoring platforms to track your website’s performance. Adjust strategies based on insights gained from these analyses. 

SSL Certificate for Security: 

  • Example: Ensure your website has an SSL certificate, crucial for healthcare websites dealing with sensitive information. 
  • How to Do It: Purchase an SSL certificate to secure data transmission. This is particularly important for forms, login pages, and any areas where user data is collected.

Also See: 16 Best Healthcare Marketing Agencies & Services For 2024

7- PPC Management For B2B Healthcare

PPC advertising is a powerful strategy for B2B healthcare marketing, allowing you to reach targeted audiences and generate leads through paid search engine campaigns. Here are specific strategies and examples for effective PPC management in the B2B healthcare sector: 

Keyword Strategy

  • Example: Bid on keywords relevant to your healthcare products or services, such as “medical software solutions” or “healthcare technology providers.” 
  • How to Do It: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-performing and relevant keywords. Use a mix of broad match, phrase match, and exact match keywords to capture a range of search queries. 

Ad Copy Optimization

  • Example: Craft compelling ad copy that highlights the unique value propositions of your healthcare solutions, such as “Innovative Healthcare IT Solutions for Improved Patient Care.” 
  • How to Do It: Focus on clear and concise messaging. Highlight key features, benefits, and any special offers. Use strong CTAs to encourage clicks. 

Landing Page Optimization

  • Example: Design dedicated landing pages for your PPC campaigns that provide detailed information about your healthcare products or services. 
  • How to Do It: Ensure that landing pages are relevant to the ad content, have a clear and compelling call-to-action, and are optimized for conversions. Include forms for lead capture. 

Ad Extensions

  • Example: Use ad extensions to provide additional information, such as site link extensions that direct users to specific pages on your website. 
  • How to Do It: Utilize various ad extensions, including callout extensions for highlighting key benefits, structured snippet extensions for showcasing product features, and location extensions for businesses with a physical presence. 

Targeting Options

  • Example: Narrow your audience by using targeting options such as location targeting, device targeting, and demographic targeting. 
  • How to Do It: Define your target audience based on location, job titles, or company size. Experiment with different targeting options to find the most effective combination for your campaigns. 

Remarketing Campaigns

  • Example: Implement remarketing campaigns to target users who did not convert. 
  • How to Do It: Set up remarketing lists and create tailored ads for users who have interacted with specific pages on your website. Use enticing offers or reminders to encourage them to revisit and convert. 

Negative Keywords Management

  • Example: Regularly review and update your list of negative keyphrases to prevent ads from showing for unwanted searches, such as “free healthcare software.” 
  • How to Do It: Monitor search query reports to identify irrelevant queries triggering your ads. Add these as negative keywords to refine your targeting and improve campaign efficiency. 

Ad Schedule Optimization

  • Example: Analyze the performance data to identify peak times when your target audience is most active and adjust your ad schedule accordingly. 
  • How to Do It: Use the ad schedule feature to bid more aggressively during high-conversion times and reduce bids during low-activity periods. This ensures optimal budget allocation. 

Conversion Tracking

  • Example: Set up conversion tracking to measure the success of your PPC campaigns, whether it’s lead form submissions or product purchases. 
  • How to Do It: Use conversion tracking tools, such as Google Ads conversion tracking or third-party analytics platforms, to monitor and analyze the performance of your campaigns. Adjust your strategy based on conversion data. 

Budget Management

  • Example: Allocate budgets strategically across campaigns based on performance and goals. 
  • How to Do It: Regularly review your campaign budgets and adjust allocations based on the return on investment (ROI) of each campaign. Allocate more budget to high-performing campaigns and adjust bids accordingly. 

Also See: Healthcare Advertising: Complete Guide For Beginners

Here are the top B2B healthcare marketing and advertising trends for 2024 and ahead:

  • Digital Transformation Acceleration: The healthcare industry will likely continue its rapid digital transformation. B2B marketers should focus on digital channels, innovative technologies, and data-driven strategies to adapt to the evolving healthcare landscape. 
  • Telehealth Expansion: Expanding telehealth services will create opportunities for B2B healthcare marketers. Companies providing telehealth solutions, remote monitoring technologies, and virtual care platforms may experience increased demand. 
  • Data Security and Privacy Emphasis: With the growing adoption of digital health technologies, there will be an increased concern on data security and privacy. B2B healthcare marketers should highlight the robust security features of their solutions to build trust with healthcare organizations. 
  • AI and Machine Learning Integration: Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in healthcare will impact marketing strategies. B2B marketers can use AI to analyze data, predict trends, and personalize marketing campaigns for better engagement. 
  • Value-Based Care Solutions: B2B healthcare marketers should promote products and services that align with the industry’s shift towards value-based care. 
  • Influencer Marketing in Medical Practice: Collaborations with influencers, such as key opinion leaders in the healthcare industry, may become more common. 
  • Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Healthcare organizations increasingly focus on sustainability and social responsibility. B2B marketers should emphasize environmentally friendly practices and corporate social responsibility initiatives in their messaging to align with industry values. 
  • Virtual Events and Experiences: Virtual events and experiences will likely remain relevant, even as in-person events return. B2B healthcare marketers can leverage virtual platforms for webinars, product launches, and interactive experiences to connect with a broader audience. 

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As we enter 2024, B2B healthcare marketers should remain agile, adaptive, and forward-thinking. By embracing the principles outlined in this beginner’s guide and consistently evaluating and adjusting strategies based on industry trends, marketers can position themselves for success in the dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape of B2B healthcare marketing.

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Brandon Shaks

Growth-focused marketing strategist working at Brenton Way helping scale DTC brands past $7-figure ARR
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