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16 Powerful Ecommerce Marketing Automation Tools in 2024

In thе fast-pacеd world of ecommеrcе, staying ahead of thе compеtition rеquirеs constant innovation and adaptation. One area whеrе commerce businеssеs can gain a significant еdgе is through thе usе of markеting automation tools. Thеsе powerful ecommerce marketing automation platforms can streamline and optimize markеting efforts, hеlping you reach your target audience morе effectively, improvе […]

ecommerce automation software
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Brandon Shaks

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In thе fast-pacеd world of ecommеrcе, staying ahead of thе compеtition rеquirеs constant innovation and adaptation. One area whеrе commerce businеssеs can gain a significant еdgе is through thе usе of markеting automation tools.

Thеsе powerful ecommerce marketing automation platforms can streamline and optimize markеting efforts, hеlping you reach your target audience morе effectively, improvе customеr еngagеmеnt,and ultimately boost sales.  

In this article, I will explore the top 16 ecommerce marketing automation tools in 2024.

What is Ecommerce Marketing Automation?

Ecommerce marketing automation is the process of leveraging AI-powered tools and technologies to make marketing easier and better for online stores. The aim is to work more efficiently, make more money, and make the entire shopping experience better for customers.

You should always partner with a leading ecommerce marketing agency to grow your customer base. The agency also helps you select the best tools or already has access to the top automation software to improve your revenue. 

Benefits of Ecommerce Marketing Automation

Here are some of the top advantages of ecommerce marketing automation: 

  • Increased Efficiеncy: Automation eliminates thе nееd for manual, rеpеtitivе markеting tasks, allowing your tеam to focus on morе stratеgic activitiеs. This can savе timе and rеsourcеs,  lеading to improvеd productivity. 
  • Improved Customеr Sеgmеntation: Marketing automation tools can segment your customеr basе basеd on various critеria, allowing you to send highly targeted and rеlеvant mеssagеs.  This leads to more personalized D2C marketing еxpеriеncеs and higher conversion rates. 
  • Enhancеd Pеrsonalization: By using customеr data and bеhavior, automation enables you to deliver pеrsonalizеd contеnt and product recommendations. This pеrsonalization can boost customеr еngagеmеnt and loyalty. 
  • Highеr Convеrsions: Automatеd еmail campaigns, including cart abandonment rеmindеrs and product rеcommеndations, can help recover potentially lost sales and incrеasе conversion ratеs
  • Bеttеr Customеr Rеtеntion: Marketing automation can nurture еxisting customers by sеnding post-purchasе follow-up еmails, loyalty program offеrs, and product rеplеnishmеnt rеmindеrs. This can improve customer rеtеntion and lifеtimе valuе. 

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Top Ecommerce Marketing Automation Software For 2024

Here the best ecommerce marketing automation tools for 2024:


Mailmodo is an ecommerce marketing automation tool that focuses on turning emails into engaging experiences. The software aims to provide a solution that goes beyond traditional email marketing platforms like Mailchimp. 

Top Features:

  • Mailmodo allows you to create interactive emails with over 20 interactive elements. This feature sets it apart from traditional email marketing platforms and can significantly enhance user engagement.
  • The software offers AI-powered content creation, enabling you to generate personalized and relevant content for your email campaigns. This feature can save time and improve the effectiveness of your emails.
  • Mailmodo provides smart recommendations to help improve email open rates. This feature uses data-driven insights to suggest the best strategies for optimizing your email campaigns.
  • With a presence in over 100 countries and serving thousands of companies, Mailmodo offers a global reach, which can be valuable for businesses with an international customer base.
  • Mailmodo offers a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that promises a high level of service quality and reliability, setting it apart as a dependable choice for email marketing.


  • Lite: $39/Month, Billed Annually
  • Pro (Popular): $79/Month, Billed Annually
  • Max: $159/Month, Billed Annually


Yotpo is an ecommerce marketing software that offers a Retention Marketing Platform that allows businesses to access shared data, connected experiences, retention tracking and offers solutions for enterprise-level businesses to enhance customer retention and drive sales.

Top Features:

  • Yotpo creates customized loyalty and referral programs to motivate customers and turn them into brand advocates.
  • The tool boosts recurring revenue by offering subscription options to customers.
  • Yotpo creates personalized, eye-catching email campaigns to increase customer engagement.
  • The tool showcases customer photos and videos throughout the buyer journey to create an emotional connection.
  • Yotpo access resources and guides to help improve customer retention rates.


  • Free Plan: Basic plan with limited features.
  • Growth Plan: Starting at $15 per month, with pricing based on order volume.
  • Prime Plan: Starting at $119 per month, with pricing based on order volume.
  • Premium Plan: Customized pricing for tailored programs.
  • Enterprise Plan: Customized pricing for enterprise-grade service.


ShipStation is a comprehensive shipping marketing tool and order fulfillment software solution designed to help businesses streamline their shipping processes and save time and money when shipping online orders. 

Top Features:

  • ShipStation offers significant savings on shipping costs with discounts of up to 84% from top carriers such as UPS, DHL Express, USPS, and more.
  • The tool integrates seamlessly with over 180 selling channels, marketplaces, ERPs, CRMs, and IMSs, including Amazon, Walmart, eBay, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and many others.
  • Shipstation imports orders from various selling channels with shipping configurations automatically applied, making order management efficient.
  • The tool uses scan-based workflows, bulk updates, and automation processes to quickly fulfill your daily shipments, reducing manual work.


  • Starter: $9.99 per month
  • Bronze: $29.99 per month
  • Silver: $59.99 per month
  • Gold: $99.99 per month
  • Platinum: $149.99 per month
  • Enterprise: $229.99 per month


Skai is an ecommerce marketing tool that offers an omnichannel advertising platform. It emphasizes its commitment to helping marketers make the most of walled garden media, such as advertising on platforms like Google, Facebook, and Amazon. 

Top Features:

  • Skai offers a unified platform for omnichannel marketing across various performance media channels. It leverages data connectivity and artificial intelligence to help marketers optimize their campaigns.
  • Instead of charging percent-of-ad-spend fees, Skai offers a flat, tiered pricing model. This approach provides more predictable costs and flexibility for marketers to experiment and scale their campaigns.
  • Skai has a vast partner ecosystem that includes API integrations, data feeds, and strategic relationships. These partnerships enable users to connect all their systems and integrations seamlessly.
  • Skai emphasizes its commitment to data security and privacy, assuring clients that their data is kept safe from publishers, competitors, and bad actors.


  • Custom pricing available 


Iterable is an ecommerce marketing tool that helps businesses create individualized messaging to build meaningful relationships with their customers. This marketing automation software helps in replacing outdated marketing technology and embraces modern personalization techniques.

Top Features:

  • Iterable allows businesses to create personalized messages for each customer using real-time data. This helps in building one-on-one relationships with customers.
  • The tool enables businesses to orchestrate communications across multiple channels, including email, SMS, in-app messaging, mobile push notifications, social media, and direct mail. This ensures a consistent and impactful customer experience.
  • The software helps businesses create automated journeys that adapt in real-time based on customer behavior and signals.


  • Custom pricing available 

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Omnisend is a marketing automation platform designed for ecommerce businesses and supports multi-store accounts, making it suitable for businesses with multiple ecommerce stores.

The tool is trusted by over 100,000 ecommerce brands and offers a free trial to get started. It aims to help businesses collect, convert, and retain customers through automated email and SMS marketing campaigns.

Top Features:

  • Omnisend allows you to create and send email and SMS marketing campaigns.
  • By combining SMS with email marketing, Omnisend claims to achieve a 47.7% higher conversion rate. 
  • Omnisend prides itself on providing excellent customer support, having received a Stevie Award for fantastic support.
  • The software offers pre-built automations that can save you time and drive sales. These include welcome series, abandoned cart recovery, post-purchase campaigns, and more.
  • The tool allows you to group your audiences based on campaign activity, shopping behavior, and more. Segmented campaigns can result in a 62.2% higher order rate.


  • Free Plan: Cost: $0 per month
  • Standard Plan:  Cost: $16 per month
  • Pro Plan: Cost: $59 per month


Drip is an ecommerce marketing tool designed to help businesses engage with their customers, create personalized marketing campaigns, and drive revenue growth. 

The software offers seamless integration with over 150 tools and platforms, making it easy for businesses to connect their existing tools and gather the necessary data for informed decision-making.

Top Features:

  • Drip is suitable for both ecommerce businesses and companies that offer services and experiences. 
  • The software offers automation features that allow businesses to run multichannel, evergreen marketing strategies on autopilot. 
  • The tool provides detailed dashboards that offer insights into the impact of marketing strategies. 


  • Starting Price Per Month: $39


Proof is an ecommerce marketing tool that focuses on utilizing social proof and personalization to increase website conversions and engagement. The agency helps businesses to build trust with their website visitors, encourage them to take action, and ultimately drive more leads and sales. 

Top Features:

  • Proof allows you to create highly personalized experiences for website visitors. 
  • The tool provides real-time tracking of user activities on your website.
  • Proof integrates with various marketing and ecommerce platforms, ensuring compatibility with your existing tools and workflows.
  • The software offers customer support to assist users in setting up and optimizing their social proof campaigns, ensuring they get the most out of the platform.


  • Pro Monthly Plan: $79 per month


Heap is an ecommerce marketing tool that provides a comprehensive understanding of your customers’ digital journeys, enabling you to enhance conversion rates, customer retention, and overall user satisfaction.

The tool offers solutions tailored to meet the needs of enterprise-level organizations, allowing them to maintain agility and speed despite their size and captures data automatically from every user’s digital experience across all platforms without requiring any engineering effort.

Top Features:

  • Heap automatically captures data from every user interaction across all digital platforms, including websites and mobile apps.
  • The tool bridges the gap between quantitative and qualitative data, giving you a well-rounded view of user interactions.
  • Unlike many analytics tools that require extensive engineering work to set up event tracking, Heap’s data collection is codeless. 


  • Custom pricing available 


SMSBump is a powerful SMS and email marketing platform designed to help ecommerce businesses drive more revenue and sales through targeted SMS and email campaigns and automations. 

The software integrates with popular ecommerce platforms, with a particular focus on Shopify, making it easy to sync your customer data and products and also helps to build the subscriber lists at scale, ensuring you have a growing audience to engage with.

Top Features:

  • SMSBump boasts an open rate of 99% or higher, making it an effective channel for reaching your audience.
  • With personalized mobile-first shopping experiences, SMSBump helps you achieve click-through rates of 35% or more, driving engagement and conversions.
  • SMSBump enables you to maximize your success with advanced automations and targeted SMS campaigns, resulting in an ROI of 25x or more.
  • SMSBump supports both SMS and email campaigns, giving you the flexibility to reach customers through their preferred communication channel.


  • Growth: Starting at $19 per month
  • Prime: Starting at $59 per month
  • Message Pricing (US): $0.0142 per SMS
  • Powerhouse: Starting at $199 per month


Listrak is an ecommerce marketing tool designed for retailers and brands to enhance their marketing efforts and drive revenue through personalized customer experiences. They claim to deliver significant results, including a 21% average gain in e-commerce revenue.

The software offers an integrated platform that enables personalized cross-channel interactions, helping maximize customer engagement, revenue, and lifetime value. They focus on delivering results and provide exceptional client success teams.

Top Features:

  • Listrak offers channel orchestration, including email, SMS, website engagement, push notifications, and identity resolution, to create seamless customer experiences.
  • The agency emphasizes the importance of owned channels (email, SMS, website, push, identity) to achieve predictable marketing results, even in unpredictable times.
  • The tool helps convert influencer traffic into revenue by capturing more zero- and first-party data, increasing first-time conversions, and personalizing shopping experiences.


  • Custom pricing available 


Dotdigital is a marketing tool designed for teams aiming to deliver exceptional customer experiences and data-driven marketing campaigns. 

This software focuses on helping marketers exceed customer expectations by providing a unified platform for marketing automation, email marketing, SMS marketing, and more.

Top Features:

  • Dotdigital unites data from various marketing sources to create a single, reliable data source to fuel marketing strategies.
  • The tool allows marketers to deliver marketing campaigns across various channels, including email marketing, SMS marketing, landing pages, retargeting, live chat, and push notifications.
  • Dotdigital offers personalization tools such as product recommendations and dynamic content to create tailored, one-to-one marketing experiences.


  • Custom pricing available 


Ortto is an ecommerce marketing tool that offers a unique combination of features and capabilities to help businesses engage with their audience effectively.  

Top Features:

  • Ortto includes an AI-powered subject line writer. This feature can generate subject lines for your emails, helping improve open rates.
  • This tool enables you to send targeted in-app messages to users within your mobile app. 
  • Ortto allows you to choose where your data is hosted, offering options in the USA, Europe, or Australia. 
  • Ortto provides a scoring system to evaluate the fit and engagement level of leads and customers.


  • Professional Plan: $509 USD/month
  • Business Plan: $849 USD/month
  • Enterprise Plan: $1,699 USD/month

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Blueshift is an ecommerce marketing tool that helps businesses automate campaigns, integrate data, and consolidate multiple point solutions for personalized customer engagement across various marketing channels. 

This software leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to help you automate and optimize your marketing efforts. Their AI-driven features enable you to segment your audience effectively, choose the best channels for engagement, and send personalized messages at the optimal times, resulting in higher engagement and 

Top Features:

  • Blueshift’s email marketing capabilities enable you to engage customers throughout their lifecycle with automated, timely, and personalized email outreach.
  • This software allows you to personalize website content to make it easy for customers to find what they want. 
  • You can create complex and adaptive customer journey maps with a user-friendly interface to design, visualize, and manage multichannel campaigns.
  • Blueshift provides robust reporting and dashboard capabilities, allowing you to track the performance of your campaigns and gain valuable insights into customer behavior.


  • Custom pricing available 


Spotler is an ecommerce tool that offers a range of features designed to help businesses engage their audience, improve customer experience, and drive conversions. The software is designed to cater to various types of businesses, including B2B, B2C, and ecommerce. 

Top Features:

  • Create and send targeted email campaigns to engage your audience and nurture leads.
  • Track user behavior on your website and identify visitors to understand their interests and needs better.
  • Connect with customers through WhatsApp for real-time communication and support.
  • Create custom forms and popups to capture leads and gather customer information.
  • Provide real-time customer support and engagement through live chat and chatbot functionalities.


  • Custom pricing available 


Rebuy is a platform that provides AI-powered personalization solutions for ecommerce businesses, helping them create engaging, individualized, and intelligent shopping experiences. 

This software helps ecommerce businesses create personalized and engaging shopping experiences, ultimately driving higher conversion rates, increased AOV, and improved customer retention.

Top Features:

  • Rebuy enables businesses to create personalized shopping experiences for every customer by leveraging the store’s historical shopping data.
  • The platform can be used for automating customer retention efforts, including one-click reactivation subscription emails and automated post-purchase follow-up emails. 
  • Rebuy allows businesses to create personalized shopping experiences based on customer shopping patterns, browsing behavior, purchase history, and personal data.
  • For advanced customization, Rebuy provides a robust API and clear documentation to empower businesses to architect custom solutions based on their framework.
  • The tool integrates with Shopify, Shopify Plus, and other top ecommerce apps to offer intelligent shopping experiences across the buyer’s journey.


  • Custom pricing available 


Looking ahead, how well online businesses do will really depend on picking the right ecommerce marketing software and using it smartly. You should carefully select the best ecommerce automation platform to grow your revenue considering your budget and unique requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What problems does ecommerce marketing automation solve?

Ecommerce automation tools can send automated email reminders to customers who abandon their shopping carts, encouraging them to complete their purchase. This reduces cart abandonment rates and boosts sales. Moreover, automation enables businesses to collect and analyze customer data to create personalized product recommendations, content, and offers. This increases customer engagement and conversion rates.

How does marketing automation affect ecommerce business performance?

Automation helps identify leads and prospects at different stages of the sales funnel and provides them with relevant content and offers. By nurturing leads and guiding them toward a purchase decision, automation can increase conversion rates and boost sales.

Which are the top five ecommerce marketing software?

Here are the top five ecommerce marketing software:

  • Mailmodo
  • Omnisend
  • ReBuy
  • Dotdigital
  • Listrak

Are ecommerce automation tools suitable for small businesses, or are they more geared towards larger enterprises? 

The list includes tools suitable for businesses of varying sizes. Some tools offer robust features designed for enterprise-level needs, while others cater to the requirements of small to medium-sized businesses, making ecommerce marketing automation accessible to a wide range of enterprises.

Some of the top ecommerce automation trends to remain aware of are: 

  • Emphasis on leveraging artificial intelligence for personalized customer experiences. 
  • Integration of voice-activated technologies and conversational AI to enhance customer engagement. 
  • Utilization of sophisticated analytics and machine learning algorithms to predict consumer behavior and optimize marketing strategies in real-time. 
  • Continued rise of AR and VR technologies in ecommerce, offering immersive and interactive shopping experiences. 
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Brandon Shaks

Growth-focused marketing strategist working at Brenton Way helping scale DTC brands past $7-figure ARR
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